So my mind has settled once again into one routine or another. No more angry thoughts, no more stressing over homework. I've gotten my stories done, legal assignment handed in, readings are up to date, so life is good. I've found a couple new obsessions lately though, lol.
I've decided that after I've saved up enough money, I don't want to get a car. I want to get a motorcycle. I know they aren't practical, but it sounds like the sort of thing I need right now. Yes, I need a death sentence lmao. Not really, but that's how some people view it. Look at it this way though: better for gas, automatic HOV lane qualification, easier to park, no need for insurance. Yay! Plus my parents haven't said anything negative towards it when I've brought that up around them. Double yay!
I've also become fascinated with thunderstorms. I love how they look! Plus, they are the ultimate adrenaline rush. Look at some of the pretty pictures:

Okay so maybe this last one to my left isn't a thunderstorm, but that is one damn awesome-looking sky. I mean honestly, look at it!
Lately I've been having more and more nightmares, each night getting more vivid, more disturbing. I'm getting so frustrated waking up still tired the next morning. I talked to Kaleena about one of the dreams slightly, just mentioning it in a text. I asked her if she or Tyler are going to text us to let us know when she goes into labor, and she sent be back a text stating, word for word, "we're probably just going to call everybody when she's born. i doubt i'll be up to call during." Wtf??? Um labor doesn't get so intense that you can't let anyone know until a WHILE after it starts. It just seems so unfair, and totally plays into one of the less-scary dreams I had. (Basically, she had Amelia [I'm not going to say the 2nd part of it because I'm slightly superstitious and I'd rather not do anything to bring on something really bad] and no one bothered to tell me until 10 DAYS AFTERWARDS when I asked how overdue kaleena now was...) It's just like, "so let me get this straight....you aren't going to let ANY of your family know that she's coming into the world, only that she came?" What about all the new grandparents that will want to be there? I can understand if kaleena doesn't want them coming into her room at all, but not even letting them know so they can go hang in the lobby or something? Kaleena is SERIOUSLY taking something away from the family and she doesn't even realize it. That will hurt everyone, and I don't want that to happen...Pops has even taken Feb 14th off, not because it's Valentine's Day, but because it's Amelia's due date. Both the parents are convinced that kaleena, tyler, and amelia aren't going to be visiting very often, but not even getting to be there around the time of birth? I kind of want to cry for them, because I know how deeply wounded they are going to feel. But I don't know how to bring it up to Kaleena...
On Saturday night I went to church with my mom, and since it was a SatNight mass, it was casual clothes so no one looked sideways at my spiky hair and jeans. (Well actually a couple people looked sideways at my hair, but they were guys around my age and the looks weren't of a judgmental type, more of an appreciative glance. Yay?) Anyways, on a not-so-shallow point of the story, it was really nice. I've actually missed going to church. I've missed feeling so connected to people, I've missed the familiarity of the prayers, the overwhelming beauty of the music. It was so surprising. I thought I would feel uncomfortable or guilty since I haven't been in a church for a while, but I actually felt relieved, like something kind of came alive again. I'm definitely going to go again with my mom this saturday if she gets home from work in time. And I realized, that while I may not agree with everything the church says, and that I may have some beliefs different than that of the overall church, but I can't help but feel that there is something out there taking care of us. That we aren't here alone. And for all you fatalists out there, I DON'T BELIEVE THAT THE WORLD IS GOING TO END IN 2012! Maybe you are ready for your life to end, but I'm not. I'm finally going somewhere, and I'm going to keep on going.
I love my legal research class... It's hard, but I'm learning so much! For example, I can totally understand this cite:
WSRP v. WSPD, 141 Wn.2d 245, 281, 4 P.3d 808, 828 (2000).
And I was able to track down all different sorts of statutes, both state and federal, with not very much difficulty, and find stuff like this:
11 U.S.C. § 365(b)(1)(A), (C)
RCW 23B.02.020(1)(a)-(d)
It just feels so amazing to realize that you are getting it. That the $1,300+ you just spent on 12 weeks of learning and books is actually worth it. I feel so good right now, not because I'm bragging or because I feel smart. I just feel, accomplished.
I'm going to finish this off with a few quotes I found today.
In 1872 it was once determined by Justice Bradley that "the paramount destiny and mission of woman are to fulfil the noble and benign offices of wife and mother. This is the law of the Creator". In 1973, Justice Brennan acknowledged "there can be no doubt that our Nation has had a long and unfortunate history of sex discrimination. Traditionally, such discrimination was rationalized by an attitude of "romantic paternalism" which, in practical effect, put women, not on a pedestal, but in a cage." The funny thing about this? It only took our country 100 years to realize this....how long had it taken other countries? How long WILL it take some countries?
"Life must be lived as play" - Plato
"Pour inventer, il faut penser a cote" Translated, "To invent, you should think sideways." - Paul Souriau
"Only when he no longer knows what he's doing does the painter do good things" - Edgar Degas
"Some writers confuse authenticity, which they ought always to aim at, with originality, which they never should bother about" - W.H. Auden
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