Friday, February 6, 2009

Bad week

I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to get back to writing in's been one hell of a week

Saturday: Get told that I'm being dropped to 32 hours a month, then he says something that night about maybe making it 20 a month

Sunday: My debit card gets declined at the coffee shop - start sending out applications and resumes

Monday Morning: Check out the office of student life at my school to see if there is any help I can get with paying my last tuition installment - find out that I'm not eligible for anything AT ALL

Monday afternoon: Do online applications and send out resumes until a headache the size of texas completely takes over and I have to head home

Monday evening: As I'm taking a nap on my bed, my mom comes into my room and wakes me up. Informs me that my cousin Jim was found dead in his backyard, and when my cousin Sarah was told she got so stressed that she had a massive heart attack. She's in the ICU at Stevens.

Tuesday: Inform my teachers that I may miss a day of class at some point for a funeral for my cousin, and then I get made fun of in my writing class because I enjoyed the workshop story. Was going to go visit Sarah between classes, but chickened out. Last time I was alone with someone in a hospital setting, it was watching my grandfather dying in a hospice. Was too terrified of seeing something like that again so I couldn't go...feel so guilty.

Wednesday: Spend 3 hours writing a legal letter for my legal research assignment (and that doesn't include the 1.5 hrs of research on it, 1 hour creating a professional looking letterhead, plus the class time learning how a professional legal opinion letter is written). I was so proud of it, and my study partners were all wide-eyed over how good it sounded (and these are both women who've had legal dealings or jobs while I haven't had any experience). Print it out on nice business paper and take it home. Mom looks it over and spends 20 minutes writing 2 pages of notes of how I completely screwed it up. No longer proud of it.

Thursday: Turn in the letter to class, and yea....more negative stuff. Like having all my siblings at my house and celebrating Tyler's bday, but not being able to be there because I was frickin stuck in my Family Law class learning about child support payment plans.

Today: I dunno what all will happen because my day just started. However, on the bus I realized that I'm slightly jealous of my mom. She's always been so freaking pretty. She's aging amazingly, and her smile and laugh takes years off of her life. When she was in college she was so carefree, surrounded by friends and having to beat boys off with a stick, having daddy pay for everything while she got to go out and party. And I hate being so jealous of that...I feel so petty.